Los Campesinos!-“You! Me! Dancing!”

In Uncategorized on July 28, 2007 at 9:54 pm

Yes, the video quality of this one is not so hot (notice the kid turning the vid camera on himself), but I think it perfectly relates what a Los Campesinos! show would be like, or how I would like it to be like. Completely spread out and disheveled, like an ice cream cone melting out all the sides–no oozing goodness should be lost. Los Campesinos! EP “Sticking Fingers Into Sockets” is out now on Arts and Crafts.

In an unusual move, here’s the actual real video. It’s animated, as is the video for “We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives.” I especially like the part where the superhero is zipping up his pants in the bathroom stall.

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