Posts Tagged ‘books’

lit randomness: hobart, christopher miller, china underground & more

In books, lit randomness on May 20, 2009 at 8:22 am

We try to do Lit Randomness every Mon. and Wed. Persistence in randomly set dates is a virtue!

Games Issue: At Hobart.
If you haven’t checked out the bonus material for Hobart’s Game Issue, it’s a damn-fine treat, perhaps a blessing that’s not in disguise, but right there out in the open. Pieces on Ninja Hunter, Magic the Gathering and less nerdy stuff too, if that’s stuff is nerdy. Hobart is awesome as always.

Fav. fiction about authors, by an author (Christopher Miller) who has a fictional book (Cardboard Universe) coming out about an author: At Conversational Reading.

China Underground Intro by Zachary Mexico: At Pop Matters.
Looks promising. Soon to be out from Pop Matters/Soft Skull

Bookshop conversation about Word in Brooklyn:
At Bookslut Blog.

lit randomness: eggers, punk fiction intro, greg ames, poets’ beards and more

In books, lit randomness on May 18, 2009 at 1:57 pm

We try to do Lit Randomness every Mon and Wed.

Dave Eggers, of McSweeney’s notoriety, and his brother Toph (yeah, that brother from that book) do their first interview together to promote their new book on Cold Fusion: At Paste. BTW, help save Paste.

Intro by Johnny Marr to new punk fiction anthology:
At 3am.

Interview w/ Greg Ames, author of Buffalo Lockjaw: At Maud Newton.

All-time 10 ten best and worst mothers in comics: From Newsrama (h/t Fangirls Attack)

Poets ranked by beard weight: At Journey Round My Skull (h/t Bookslut blog)

The Millions’ Staff must-have subscrip list: At The Millions.