Archive for January, 2009|Monthly archive page

the new west? deadbeats and authors

In Uncategorized on January 28, 2009 at 4:22 pm

I guess I’m pretty easy to characterize as this article from the New York Observer interviews a couple of my most recent reading choices–including Ferris of Then We Came To The End and Bock of Beautiful Children. Maybe male authors are attracted to these characters, because that’s all we know. Books on high society aren’t interesting anymore and interesting stuff about the legal system or government has been given over to too much genre. In a lot of ways, what the article describes is a version of the modern western: bad guys still trying to find their place in the world. I’m kind of surprised Ferris was included–his “anti-hero” is more humorous and is not necessarily the central character.
The best: Mr. Howard said he does not get irritated when he sees young authors compared to Mr. Palahniuk, and thinks it’s natural that young writers would be attracted to drawing these kinds of characters. “There is so much pressure, I think, for young people to be adjusted and to get with the program these days that the fact that somebody like Chuck is out there saying ‘uh-uh’ is being taken as liberating,” he explained. “And obviously, if that sort of feeling is in the air, a lot of other talented young writers are going to channel it themselves.” (h/t Largehearted).

interview w/ The Bronx

In Uncategorized on January 27, 2009 at 9:32 pm

The Bronx @ North Star Bar, Philadelphia

Punk News did a stellar interview w/ Joby Ford of The Bronx that includes a funny story about GNR and Converses. When they were on tour with As I Lay Dying, I ran into them in the chinese restaurant next to my place of business. I skipped that show, and have been kicking myself ever since.
The best: It’s not just bands that are having a tough time. It’s everybody. It’s definitely not like a sob story, like “Woe is me.” No, this is a choice that we made as five people, that this is what we want to do with our lives, and so that’s what we’re doing. What comes of it comes of it. I don’t know, I’ve worked corporate jobs and it almost killed me…Being happy is more important than being rich.